Participating organizations and sections 

Within the sections the policy of Stichting Leenrecht, such as the manner in which the compensation is distributed, is determined by representatives of the participating organizations. After distribution regulations have been determined, they are submitted for approval to the Minister of Justice and the State Secretary for Education, Culture and Science.

The following participating organizations are affiliated with Stichting Leenrecht:

  • Dutch Association of Writers and Translators (de Auteursbond)
  • Dutch Publishers Association (Nederlands Uitgeversverbond, NUV)
  • Association of Music Traders and Publishers in the Netherlands (Vereniging van muziekhandelaren en -uitgevers in Nederland)
  • Netherlands Association of Interpreters and Translators (Nederlands Genootschap van Vertalers, NGTV)
  • Dutch Union of Journalists (Nederlandse Vereniging van Journalisten)
  • Stichting Pictoright (Dutch copyright organization for visual creators)
  • Dutch Association of Producers and Importers of Image and Sound Carriers (Nederlandse
    Vereniging van Producenten en Importeurs van Beeld- en Geluidsdragers, NVPI)
  • Stichting Stemra (Dutch Mechanical Copyright Organization)
  • FNV Kiem (Dutch trade union for the arts, information, entertainment and media)
  • Dutch Musicians Union (Nederlandse Toonkunstenaars Bond, Ntb)
  • Dutch Illustrators Club (Nederlandse Illustratoren Club) 
  • Association of Dutch Designers (Bond van Nederlandse Ontwerpers, BNO)
  • Netherlands Public Broadcasting (Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO)
  • Dutch Federation of Artists Associations (Federatie van Kunstenaarsverenigingen) 
  • Stichting Literaire Rechten Auteurs (Lira) (Dutch Foundation for Authors’ Literary Rights)
  • VEVAM (Dutch Foundation for the Exploitation of Exhibition Rights on Audiovisual Material)
  • SEKAM (Dutch Foundation for the Exploitation of Cable Television Rights on Audiovisual Material)

Stichting Onderhandelingen Leenvergoedingen

The public lending right rates are determined by Stichting Onderhandelingen Leenvergoedingen, StOL (Dutch Foundation for Negotiations on Lending Remuneration).The parties obliged to pay as well as the rightholders are members of StOL.StOL has been designated for this purpose by the Minister of Justice by agreement with the Minister of Education, Culture and Science. StOL has an independent chairman who is appointed by the Minister of Justice by agreement with the Minister of Education, Culture and Science. The chairman has a casting vote in the event that the board cannot reach a decision.

Collective Management Organizations

Stichting Leenrecht is a member of VOI©E. VOI©E is the trade association of Dutch Collective Management Organizations (CMOs) for copyright or neighbouring rights.VOI©E aims to increase the understanding of the implementation of copyright and neighbouring rights and to improve the information about the working method of CMOs.

VOI©E acts on behalf of the CMOs as a point of contact for questions about the collective implementation of copyright and neighbouring rights.In addition, VOI©E is the reporting centre for criticism or complaints.All CMOs operating in the Netherlands are now members of VOI©E and thus bound to a code of conduct.VOI©E ensures that this code of conduct is complied with.